I know the chances of getting pregnant on Clomid are low (thanks Google) but, I keep hoping. I also know every early symptom possible including the fact that someone had a runny nose and someone else had bleeding gums and both turned out pregnant. In good news, I'm not the only one out there tracking all these crazy symptoms. There are tons of boards and websites dedicated to those of us who was to know from the moment we ovulate if it was successful or not (wouldn't that be fantastic?!)
Here are some of my favorites that I have trolled through the past few days:
The Two Week Wait- this website lets users list symptoms they had if they had a positive pregnancy test. They are known as "success" stories and I like that I can compare what I have to what they had.
Countdown to Pregnancy- this website allows users to select what dpo they are and see common symptoms for that day. They also show uploaded pregnancy test pictures. I also like the articles on things such as implantation bleeding.
I also read most of the message boards that pop up in my searches and see what people have to say.
I love that while we have only told about 3 people about our infertility journey, I have so much support from people on the Internet. I genuinely hope they get their wish and I wait to see their pictures and symptoms everyday. I know how they feel waiting and I do not wish the disappointment of yet another BFN on anyone who has faced that struggle.
Today I am about 4dpo ovulation. I am fairly certain that I ovulated Friday night/early Saturday morning. The pain from my left ovary woke me up and the next day I didn't feel it at all. Friday around 11am I had my hcg trigger shot after my first round of Clomid. My follicle on the left side measured at 18.5. The entire weekend I had a headache and felt kind of nauseous but I'm fairly certain that was from the trigger shot.
Yesterday I felt twinges in my left ovary again. (This would be around 3dpo). I was also pretty hungry and majorly gassy and bloated. Today is the same (4dpo) with hunger and gassy and bloating. Same twinges with my left ovary, which is the one that I assumed ovulated. I also haven't felt very good today and had some trouble eating lunch.
I posted this picture to my Instagram in hopes that what I felt was my fertilized egg traveling its journey through the tube!
While I hope I am pregnant, I am also hoping that keeping up with this journey might help someone else. If I'm not I will have the symptoms documented and if I am, then others might know what to look for. 10 more days and we will know! If this cycle doesn't work then we will have to skip one because my husband will be out on the ship for 3 weeks.
I am open for any other "crazy infertility websites" if you want to share one!
Fingers crossed!
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