Friday, July 4, 2014

Eating Better- Changing to an Organic Lifestyle!

I wasn't looking for a new "diet fad" or "quick" way to lose weight. I have been overweight my entire life and in knew at 30 with hypothyroidism and PCOS my dreams of being "skinny" were long gone. I also knew that I needed a healthy way of living as my body was not going to cooperate with me shoving pizza and cupcakes in my mouth. 

After some research, I realized how many hormones and "fake" ingredients were put into foods. I started reading labels of things I was eating and I didn't like what I saw. I saw dyes, I saw things I couldn't even pronounce, I saw things I had never even heard of! I decided that I would try to eat a better and organic lifestyle and cut those "fake" ingredients from my diet. It has actually been a lot easier than I thought it would be! 

I decided to start small, with fruit. While not all fruit that I buy is organic, most of it is. Even when it isn't organic, I know it's better for me than say... Doritos. I live in a farming community who has a farmers market every Saturday so most weeks I am able to buy local fruits and vegetables! If not, I usually hit up the local farm stands and they can tell me where it came from. There is also a locally owned organic store in which I can buy some fruits from. 

My next organic action... SWEETS! A girl has to have her chocolate right?! 

I found these and fell in LOVE! They are completely organic and I have found them in Target and Farm Fresh. I can't even eat a Reese's anymore, these are ten times better! Newman's Own also makes a very good dark chocolate peanut butter cup. 

I knew I couldn't go without sweets so, I limit my intake of these but, they are great to fix that sweet tooth! 

My next step with an organic diet was "quick" meals. I'm not a cooker. I'm just not. I try to be, I really do but, it's just not my thing. That's when I found Evol. 

I have found these at Target and Farm Fresh. While they are not completely organic they do use wholesome ingredients and when I read the list I know what the items are. They are delicious and filling! 

My last change is meats. Grass fed, hormone free, meats. These seem to be a little harder to find. Target carries some but it is normally really picked over here! I have been eating more fresh seafood (I live on the coast) this summer but when fall hits I'm really going to have to pay more attention to my meats. 

I have found Applegate meats, which I LOVE! 

I have found these at Target! 
Milk was also an easy change, found at most grocery stores. 

While I have cheated a few times (thanks Chick-Fil-A) I have loved my switch! I feel better and I think it has helped my health! This is month two of a gradual change so, hopefully I will see more results as I continue this lifestyle change! 


  1. Hmmm.. this might post twice. Have you read The Fertility Diet? My new doctor recommended it and I'm about 1/3 of the way through. It seems to make sense and so far it's been reasonable to follow.

  2. I have not! Does it involve changing to organic foods?
