Friday, September 5, 2014

When life gets in the way...

Well, I haven't blogged in awhile and I didn't review the last book I read. I wanted to, but I couldn't. What's been going on with me? 

For starters I lost one of my dearest and closest friends in a car accident on August 16. He was funny and caring. He would give you a hard time and support the things you loved. He could crack a joke and tell you something serious in the same conversation. I miss him so terribly. It is still a shock to my system and I have had so much trouble processing it. I talked to him that day before he died and I will cherish that conversation forever. Here is a picture of us at my wedding (the other girl was his fiancé). 

While trying to process the loss of my friend I returned to work after a summer off! I am teacher and the first few weeks of school will drive you batty! I feel like I've been running on low battery every single day! 

The death of my friend has also brought out a better relationship with my husband. I think he saw the rut we had hit dealing with infertility (another post on that later) and has done a complete 180. It had been very nice and I'm glad we were able to bring something positive out of all the negativity in my life! 

Speaking of infertility, I'm on CD53 (I think). After some spotting but no AF I was instructed to take my ten days of provera and induce it. I went off of my metformin for about a week and a half basically because of forgetting to take it but now I'm back on it and taking it regularly. When I get AF I will cycle day 3 bloodwork and take Femara on days 5-9 with an ultrasound on CD12. I'm ready to jump back on that wagon! My best friend had her baby and I have made amends with her after not speaking most of her pregnancy. She is being supportive and hopefully our children won't be to far apart in age! 

Well, that is what has been going on with me! 

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