What is #ttcpenpal2015 ?
You will receive a penpal about two days after the final deadline for signing up. You can send your penpal a letter, a cute card with some encouragement, maybe even a small trinket if you so desire. The point is to write and share! Your penpal will be around the same age as you and going through a similar experience. For example if you are 33 and going through IVF your penpal might be 30 and going through IVF, not 20 and on their first clomid round. If you are 20 and going through your first clomid round, you might get matched with someone who is 21 and on their first femara round. This way you are your penpal are going through similar experiences. This is an opportunity for someone to check their mailbox and get a breath of fresh hope that they needed that day.
How do I sign up?
Send an email to lifeonthebooks@gmail.com with the following information:
1. Age
2. Where you are in your ttc journey
3. Any diagnosis (pcos, endometriosis, hypothyroidism, etc)
4. Instagram name
5. Mailing address/first and last name
Please send this info by February 5th. That is one week to sign up!
I hope that you are as excited about this as I am!! Can't wait to match all of you!
After you get your first letter please use the hashtag #ttcpenpal2015 and share your letter/card/hope!