Wednesday, February 25, 2015

"Yes, Please" by Amy Poehler- Book Review

I give this book 3 and a half stars. 

A lot of this book was intriguing and funny but, some of it I felt like was a little boring. 

Amy Poehler is hilarious as we all know and her personality shows well through her writing although, I think she is funnier on TV. 

Amy goes into details about her normal childhood. I loved that her parents were teachers since I'm a teacher! I always like to know where celebrities came from because it gives me hope that one day I can go from being a normal American woman to Millionaire. She ate cheap meals and worried about paying rent and I like celebrities that came from that. 

It was also interesting to read about how Amy's career blossomed. She worked her way through the system meeting key people as she went along in order to make it to the success she has today. Some parts of this I found wordy and boring. I think when we talk about our own life and the people in it, we like to add in things that are important to us but, no one else really cares about. There were a few parts in this book that I didn't even care if I read and I could not even tell you about them now because I don't remember them. This made me very sad because I really like Amy Poehler as an actress and needed this book to be good! 

I think the best parts of the book were about her time at SNL. It was interesting to read how they prepared and wrote skits as well as some of the behind the scenes info. I also enjoyed when she wrote about becoming and being pregnant. You could see her happiness about that time in her life shine through her words and her humor. These times in Amy's life went hand in hand and were the times when I had trouble putting the book down. 

In all I would suggest reading this book to others. Its only about 250 pages and generally a very easy read. I found it ironic that I finished the book the same night that Parks and Rec had it's series finale. Also, reading the book did make me want to watch the show. (I see a Netflix binge in my future!). Only pick it up if Amy is one of your favorite actresses and you are familiar with her work because if she isn't, you might find this read pretty boring! 

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