Monday, July 14, 2014

A sense of normalcy

Today is CD1 and this was my first non-medicated, ovulatory, cycle. It was almost beautiful except those high temps almost gave me hope I was pregnant! I guess that's what happens when you never have a normal cycle without the use of medication. 

So where do we go from here? 

I started Metformin yesterday. So far the only problem I had was excessive bloating after eating some ice cream. I have been really good about eating healthy but yesterday I made a "cheat day" just to see how the metformin would affect my body in different scenarios to see if I needed to avoid any foods. I had dairy and greasy foods and all ended up okay. I hope today is just as successful while I'm back on my eating healthy ways. I had heard so many side effect horror stories that I was scared but, all was good! 

My HSG is scheduled for next Wednesday with results being read the following Monday. My husband will be out to sea for two weeks at the end of the month so even if I do ovulate he will miss it. (Thanks US Navy!) This will be another non-medicated cycle. I am going to let the metformin get in my system and next cycle I will start femara. Hopefully my HSG comes back okay! I will also keep temp charting just to keep record and hopefully have another "normal" cycle so I don't have to take provera to jump start AF. 

This will be our beginning journey with a fertility specialist instead of my OBGYN. I hope it works this time! 

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